Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Effects of the Boundaryless Career on Individuals, Organisations Essay

The Effects of the Boundaryless Career on Individuals, Organisations and Society - Essay Example The paper tells that a boundaryless career can be defined in its simplest term as a career that crosses multiple boundaries in a non- linear manner or can also refer to career opportunities that extend beyond the boundary of a single employer. This is the direction that most careers in the 21st century have assumed. Globalization and technological advancement have been implicated in transforming the traditional career which assumed the organizational approach to boundaryless approach which entails movement across many employers and defiance of the traditional organizational assumptions that advocated for career advancement and hierarchy. Through intense training and skill development, individuals have been able to increase their productivity through job specialization that is doing what you know best while trying to diversify in order to remain relevant in the job market. It has also increased the social capital of individuals in the workplace. This refers to personal networks one ha s. Individuals have been working hard to increase these networks so as to increase their job security and stability. Boundaryless career also has its share of demerits on individuals. Some of the negative effects it has had on individuals are increased susceptibility to job insecurity or diminished sense of job security. This type of career lacks elements of job security and stability and this is evident because of its unstable nature and the ever-present mobile status. It also lacks steady increase in the level of income like the traditional organizational career. This is mostly contractual and so most of the time income stays constant. It also lacks status derived from positions.

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